On September 4th, 2012, the Brothers of Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge honored Worshipful Kent Dau, PM.  Worshipful Dau has given so much to his lodge and Masonry in general, and all the Brothers of the lodge agreed that this show of appreciation was very well deserved and was a small token in comparison to the work and contributions of Wor. Dau.

Wor. Kent and his wonderful wife Dee, in 2010.

The Master read the introduction:

"We have a very special presentation this evening.  Tonight we honor a Brother that has given so very much to his lodge.  He was raised a Master Mason on April 25, 1996.  He progressed through the officer chairs and became Master of Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge on January 1, of 2002.  He was the Assistant Secretary of the Lodge from January of 2004 to December of 2005.  He was honored by his Brothers with the presentation of the Hiram Award on May 10, 2003.  But he never stopped giving.  With the great support of his wonderful wife Dee, for the past many years, he has assisted with the printing and mailing of our Trestleboard and to me, most importantly he has been a mentor and the Head Candidate’s Coach to so many of us.  He made it easy for all of us he tutored, to advance in our Masonic Journey."

A surprised Worshipful Dau comes to the Podium.

The inscription (see below) on the plaque was read and the presentation made.

  It was an emotional moment for sure as Wor. Kent did not expect this honor.

Kent and Dee with the Master after the presentation.

The inscription on the plaque of appreciation....